Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Why some Hotels are "BEST"

Everyday many thousands of people travel all over the world, and everyday they rely on hotels for their traveling. I have now worked at a Marriott brand franchise hotel for a year a half, and have come to realize the one thing that makes a guest's stay the best. It's not all the room quality, the location, the food quality, or even the price, but most importantly it is the people. The staff of any and every hotel are the main influences on a person to return or recommend that particular hotel.

If you walk into a hotel and see someone standing behind the desk looking like life just peed on them, and their attitude matches their look, then more than likely your stay there is going to be the same. If they look like they just got into a fight with their boyfriend/girlfriend, or their kids are driving them crazy, or they just plain and simple hate their job, this will make your stay that much more horrible. Now one thing to argue is, this could all have happened to one person, and they them self wear it like a patch on their sleeve. On the other hand, the person who's learned to cover their problems would be smiling and cheery to help you out. The person who's life is not so horrible and love what they are doing, or the person who can cover their personal problems well, will both make your stay at the hotel that much better. Advice on staying at a hotel for even 2 nights, walk in and inquire information about the rooms. See how responsive the person is behind the desk and how happy they are overall. Chances are a person unhappy behind the desk are that way because of their job. Whether it's their immediate supervisor, top boss, or co-workers that's making their life suck, you probably don't want to stay there.

When next planning a vacation or even next business trip, make the extra effort to find out what kind of people work where you will be staying. Believe me, seeing how things go both behind and in front of the desk, this will make all the difference on how enjoyable your stay will be.

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